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How To Strengthen Caribbean Businesses Against Cyber Attacks

How To Strengthen Caribbean Businesses Against Cyber Attacks

We at Symptai Consulting are pleased to invite business leaders across the region to our upcoming webinar: Building For The Future - How To Strengthen Caribbean Businesses Against Cyber Attacks.  

The webinar is an opportunity for Caribbean business leaders to engage the experts who will discuss the cyber threats within the region and their implications. Many business leaders in the Caribbean believe that cyber-attacks aren’t imminent and do not pose a direct threat to their business. On the contrary, many of these companies are exposed to malicious exploitation as testing has revealed their vulnerabilities.  

A study conducted by Security Intelligence (2019) reported that the human factor accounts for 70% of all cyber-attacks. Often, actions deemed minuscule have disastrous outcomes when it comes to cybersecurity lapses. The global pandemic has seen a surge in cybersecurity breaches as businesses adopted a partly remote work model without having the correct tools in place to protect themselves against cyber-attacks.   

With the right kind of cyber protection, Caribbean business leaders can empower their businesses on digital platforms and allow for safe spaces for their employees, customers, and stakeholders.  

As we embrace the digital age, businesses and consumers are now more vulnerable to being the victim of cyber-attacks and cybercrimes. Let it not be said that your business was not guided correctly as was exploited on that basis. With the right cybersecurity measures, businesses can improve productivity, employee security and company integrity.  

This webinar will provide a unique space to communicate with the Cyber Security and IT leaders as they explore vulnerabilities and provide information to remediate breaches.  

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